Brittany S., Jenn H., Kyle T., & Brooke R.

Brittany S., Jenn H., Kyle T., & Brooke R.
Posted on 05/31/2024
Celebrating Staff LogoEvery week we celebrate SMCDSB staff members who have been recognized by a parent, student or colleague.

This week we are celebrating Brittany Sepper and Jenn Brittany and Jenn Howard, teachers at Our Lady of Grace Catholic School. Brittany and Jenn were nominated by a parent who said:

“I would like to bring forward the outstanding work that Mrs. Sepper is providing to her students. My son is autistic and he’s in 7th grade with Mrs. Sepper. It’s been quite a journey since JK, and this year he has transformed!

Mrs. Sepper doesn’t count the hours, she is dedicated to her students and their success. She understands the challenges ASD children are facing in a “regular” school and she has been fantastic with our son. He comes home after his day at school and he’s happy for the first time since 4th grade. She acknowledges his learning issues and the way she has set up her classroom makes it easy for William to seek help when he requires some. He also has fantastic grades and he is so proud of himself.

I have to mention that Mrs. Howard (SERT) has been a fantastic support to William throughout the prior years and she should also be recognized. It’s the first year that our son has had friends over or has been going to a friend’s house. He has also learned to work as a team, and taken responsibility for his share of the work. He came out of his shell, and Mrs. Sepper is definitely one of the reasons why!

I wanted to bring this forward as we hear about the not-so-good teachers, but there are great ones as well. I believe that Brittany should be recognized for her outstanding teaching skills and dedication.”

KyleThis week we are also celebrating Kyle Tilley, a special education resource teacher (SERT) at St. John Vianney Catholic School. Kyle was nominated by a colleague who said:

“Kyle has been a fantastic addition to our SJV Team! He's always smiling, always willing to help a colleague or student, and always makes time in his super busy schedule to help and work with anyone and everyone. He's stepped into a big role in our school and he's handled this new role like a true pro! He's jumped right into the school community, volunteering his time to coach volleyball and basketball teams at lunch and after-school help at school Masses, and has even helped to lead the Rosary Club too! Being a SERT at SJV has many challenges and he's met them all with positivity and professionalism! Kyle has been a blessing to our staff, students, and the SJV community! Thanks for your dedication! We appreciate you Mr. Tilley!”

This week we are also celebrating Brooke Roth, a Brooke teacher and special education resource teacher (SERT) at St. Gabriel the Archangel Catholic School. Brooke was nominated by a colleague and parent who said:

“Mrs. Roth is amazing at her job! Her attention to detail in all that she does is not unnoticed. As a teacher in the Learning Commons she engages students with a variety of relevant STEAM activities that the kids love. As a special education resource teacher, she follows through on everything that she promises and more. I am so thrilled to have my child interact with her on a regular basis at school. Thanks for all that you do Mrs. Roth! You are appreciated!”

We would like to thank Brittany, Jenn, Kyle, and Brooke for their commitment to Catholic education at our board.