Equity and Inclusion

As a publicly-funded Catholic school board, we understand equity and inclusion to be essential characteristics of life in our school board, schools and board sites. We are committed to ensuring that students, staff and families feel welcome, safe, included and represented in our board and its educational work.

Our work in equitable and inclusive education is grounded both in relevant legislation and human rights documents, and in the social teachings of the Catholic Church, which emphasize the inherent dignity of every person, regardless of their race, age, language, colour, national or cultural background, ability, socio-economic status, gender identity or sexual orientation. In 1991, Pope St. John Paul II wrote that “Human persons are  willed by God; they are imprinted with God's image” (Centesimus Annus, #11), and Vatican documents remind us of “the radical equality and brotherhood among all people, regardless of their race, nation, sex, origin, culture, or class” (Compendium of the Church’s Social Teaching, #144). Our goal is to continually build up communities where people can flourish, and in which their God-given identity and gifts can fully shine forth.

2020-2022 Guest Speakers

Bev Freedman
Beverly Freedman
Event Flyer
Carl James 
Carl James
kirk mark
Kirk Mark
Event Flyer
Janie Cooper
Janie Cooper
 shak edwards
Shak Edwards
 michele manocchi
Michele Manocchi