Our theme for the 2024-2025 school year, “Faithful Steps - Hopeful Journeys,” is meant to echo the theme Pope Francis has chosen for the 2025 Jubilee (“Pilgrims of Hope”). Like pilgrims, we journey into the future with hope and confidence because of our faith in God’s love and promises to us in Jesus; this is the journey of a lifetime.
But we also know that that longer journey is made up of many, many smaller steps: the small but important choices we make every day, to be generous and loving, to be forgiving and prayerful, to promote justice, inclusion and peace in our world. In each of those “steps,” we demonstrate our faithfulness and commitment, as we set out each day on the journey of learning, growing, and becoming the people God has created us to be.
About the School Year Theme Logo Design
At the centre of our logo is Jesus—the true destination and goal of every Christian pilgrim on their journey. The two young people moving eagerly toward him remind us of the central importance of our students, and that pilgrims are people who are “on a journey towards.” Every day, we have the ability to draw closer and closer to Jesus, through our words and actions. Jesus’ outstretched arms welcome everyone, as we also are called to do. Central to our faithful journey as Christians is God’s message in the Bible, the “sure foundation” on which all three figures stand. The smaller human figures may only be able to take small steps, but we know that every step, of whatever size, brings us closer to our goal, and keeps us moving forward. On both the macro (journey) and micro (steps) level, we are called to live faithfully and to share our joy with all those who are on that journey with us. Jesus’ Cross is our “compass,” and the sign of the love we try to give witness to.