Providing students with an opportunity to learn and develop in a safe, inclusive, and accepting school climate is a shared responsibility and a key goal of the SMCDSB. A positive school climate exists when all members of the school community feel safe, included, and accepted, and actively promote positive behaviours and interactions. Principles of equity and inclusive education are embedded in the learning environment to support a positive school climate and a culture of mutual respect so that all students reach their full potential. A positive school climate is a crucial component of bullying prevention.
For resources see the Ministry Prevention/Intervention Plan and PPM 144
The Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board (the Board) recognizes that school communities exist to foster and exemplify Catholic values. All classroom, school, and system teaching and learning environments are committed to establishing and promoting safe, welcoming, inclusive, and accepting learning spaces where all feel a positive sense of self, spirit and belonging. This forms the basis for the creation of the Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan as required by the Ontario Ministry of Education and the Ontario Education Act.
View the Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan (PDF).