Elementary Math Resources

tvo kids mathTVOKids - Mathematics

TVOKids has a variety of school-aged mathematics activities and games for families to do at home. Have fun while learning about math!

Visit TVOKids - Mathematics

tvo learn powerTVO Learn mPower
Developed by the creators of TVO Kids and Ontario educators, TVO Learn mPower supports math learning in classrooms across Ontario. Our suite of 65+ online games bridge math learning from school to home with fun, curriculum-aligned content in math and many other subjects.

Visit TVO Learn mPower

math gamesMath Games

These slides
 are a collection of games for Kindergarten, Primary, Junior and Intermediate levels. Follow along online or print for playing at home!

Visit Math Games Slides

ontarioSupporting Your Child's Math Learning

As a parent/guardian, learn how to support your child's learning by making math a regular part of your day-to-day life at home. This page provides games, methods to support learning at home and much more.

Visit the Ontario Supporting Your Child's Math Learning Page

eqao EQAO Practice Tests

This provides students in Grade 3 and 6 the opportunity to become familiar with the online assessment platform, try out the various tools, and respond to the various types of questions that may be included on the assessment.

Visit the EQAO Grade 3 Sample Tests
Visit the EQAO Grade 6 Sample Tests 

ontario logo Ontario Elementary Mathematics Curriculum and Resources

This Ontario Ministry of Education page provides parents and students with curriculum context, course descriptions and a variety of resources to support student learning.

Visit the Elementary Math Curriculum Page