Community Use of Schools

The request for community use of Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board schools is based on a phased-in method effective May 1st for each new school year, as per our Community Use of Schools Procedural Guidelines.

We ask for your patience and understanding as the SMCDSB works to ensure it has appropriate resources and procedures in place, prior to any approvals, to support the requested community use of our schools.

Our Board knows that school facilities are an important part of the community. We are committed to supporting community groups by endorsing the use of our property, buildings and equipment.

Our values as a Catholic school board are central to who we are. Please understand that we do not allow groups with conflicting values to use our facilities. 

Contact Us

For more information or inquiries, please contact our Community Use of Schools Coordinator, Laura Hoffmann  at (705) 722-3555, ext. 260.

When do permit applications start for the next school year?

Stage 1: On May 1st, permit applications can be submitted for the next school year by User Groups B and C. Initially, User Groups cannot apply for more than three (3) schools with a maximum of two (2) days per week per school. Permits may be restricted further if multiple requests exist for the same space. 

Stage 2: On June 1st, permit applications can be submitted for the next school year for additional dates and locations by User Groups B and C.

Stage 3: On June 15th, dependent on remaining availability, permit applications can be submitted for the next school year by User Group D.  Initially, User Groups cannot apply for more than three (3) schools with a maximum of two (2) days per week per school. Permits may be restricted further if multiple requests exist for the same space. 

What user group am I in?

Category B - Catholic Church
  • B1 - Catholic Church Events – Events are for Catholic church activities (ie. masses, services, meetings)

  • B2 - Catholic Church Service Groups – Events are for Catholic church service group activities (ie. Knights of Columbus, Catholic Women’s League).
 Category C - Community Use of Schools - Not-For-Profit
  • C1 - Not-For-Profit Serving Youth  – permits serving youth 18 years of age and younger (under 28 years of age when engaging people with disabilities). Preference is given to programming that is free or low cost, inclusive and is promoted widely to the local community. 
  •  C2 - Not-For-Profit Serving Adult – permits serving adults over the age of 18 years. Preference is given to programming that is free or low cost, inclusive and is promoted widely to the local community.
  •  C3 - Child Care – Child care use of space beyond what is covered in a child care Lease or Service Agreement.

Category D

  • D1 - Uses by commercial/for profit groups (ie. sports activities where instructors receive compensation, public entertainment).

What are the required fees?

How do I submit an application?

  • All Community Use of School permit applications are accepted using an On-Line Permit Application called eBASE.
  • First time users will need to create an account.  When creating a new account you will be required to submit a document outlining your organization’s operating status (ie, Not-for-Profit, Local rec group, Profit based etc.).
  • It is the intent of the Board to have its facilities used by the community when they are not required for school or Board use. A list of all SMCDSB elementary and secondary schools, including addresses, are available on the school search page of our website. 

I am a new applicant. What do I need to know?

  • Contact the Community Use of Schools Coordinator using the contact information below to discuss your organization's potential needs.
  • Applicants must be 18 years of age or older
  • An individual, 18 years + must be in attendance for the duration of any event/activity booked through a permit.
  • Permits will not be granted for the use of school facilities:
  • 2 weeks before the school year starts;
  • During the first week of school;
  • During regularly scheduled maintenance projects;
  • During exam moratoriums in any secondary school;
  • 2 weeks before the end of the school year; or
  • During Professional Activity (PA) Days, Good Friday, Easter Monday and statutory holidays.
  • Permits for Community Use during the Christmas or March break may be available upon special request.

  • All permit holders must have liability insurance of at least $2 million and name the Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board as Additional Insured.

What happens to my permit if buses are cancelled in that zone?

If buses have been cancelled on the day of your permit booking, within the weather zone, and at the school of your use of facilities approved permit, your permit booking will also be cancelled for that date.

Please listen to your local radio station or refer to the Simcoe County Student Transportation Consortium (SCSTC) website for up-to-date transportation information during inclement weather.

Are guide dogs and service animals allowed?

Please refer to the following documents for more information on guide dogs and service animals in our schools: