St. Mary's Students Celebrate with LeFLOFRANCO and DJ Skorpyon
Posted on 06/07/2024

On Monday, June 3, students at St. Mary’s Catholic School in Barrie were treated to a fantastic show by Ottawa-based rappers LeFLOFRANCO and DJ Skorpyon. Both artists, from the French-Canadian hip-hop scene, transformed the school gym into a full-blown concert experience.

Students were mesmerized as they entered and took in the sights and sounds of the event, which resulted from careful planning, dedication, and hard work. 

Students participated in various fundraising activities for months leading up to the concert. They gave up their recess time for weeks to create and sell beautiful bracelets, some of which adorned Flo's wrist by the concert's end. In fact, the entire school community came together to collect new and used items for le Petit Marché (the little market), which turned out to be a successful fundraiser that, along with ticket sales, helped offset the cost of the event. To top it all off, the school was fortunate to receive an FSL (French as a second language) Cultural Grant to help make it all happen.

The moment DJ Skorpyon opened the show, students were on their feet, filled with energy and excitement. The high-energy concert kept them singing and dancing from beginning to end. 

After the concert, Flo and DJ Skorpyon visited several classes where they spoke with students, answered questions, and took photos.leFLOFRANCO

Manie Musicale is an international French music competition that engages schools from around the globe. This competition provides a platform to promote the French language through popular French music. The students at St. Mary's have an undeniable passion for Manie Musicale, especially for LeFLOFRANCO! 

A big merci to Mme. Levesque for providing engaging opportunities that ignite students' passion for learning French beyond the classroom.