Dear SMCDSB Families and Staff,
We are excited to welcome our students back to classrooms in September, and more familiar routines and activities. We all recognize how important in-person learning is, for well-being and long-term success. Staff at our schools have missed our students tremendously!
We have received the Ministry of Education memo, outlining their extensive guidelines for a safe return to in-person learning, developed in consultation with public health officials. Our job now as a school board, is to put those recommendations into practise with our own back-to-school plan. Some of those recommendations are already being implemented at many schools in our board.
Over the next weeks staff at the Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board will carefully review the details of the memo from the Ministry of Education, and develop a board-specific plan of action. Once we have finalized the plan we will communicate with our staff and families.
Everyone at the board is excited to welcome our students back to classrooms in September, and will do everything needed to make that happen safely, following all guidelines put in place by our local health unit and the Ministry. Parents and students should continue to enjoy the remainder of the summer, and be confident that we are working on a plan for a safe return to school.
Frances Bagley
Director of Education