OCSTA Short Video Contest

OCSTA Short Video Contest
Posted on 09/19/2016
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The Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association (OCSTA) is now accepting submissions for their 2016 short-video contest. This year, students in Grades 4 - 12 are asked to create a two- minute video representing this year’s theme:

“The Story Behind the Name of Our Catholic School.”

Students should delve into the history and background of the person their school is named after and creatively tell the story of why they are inspiring to students today.

The deadline for entries is Monday, November 28, 2016. Submission details and guidelines are available on the
OCSTA website. All entries that meet the requirements will be showcased throughout the fall and new year on the OCSTA YouTube channel.

Winners will be announced on January 13, 2017.

OCSTA is pleased to offer the following awards this year:

1st Prize: $300 Best Buy Gift Certificate

2nd Prize: $150 Best Buy Gift Certificate

3rd Prize: $100 Indigo Gift Certificate

Good luck!