On February 28th, the Board of Trustees approved the following recommendations for the St. Charles replacement school Boundary Review:

St. Marie of the Incarnation

  • Students currently in the St. Marie of the Incarnation boundary who live south of Line 8 and West of Side Road 10 will be included in the new boundary for St. Charles

  • Students currently in the St. Marie of the Incarnation boundary who live east of Professor Day Drive and north of Line 8 will be included in the new boundary for St. Jean de Brebeuf 

  • Students currently in the St. Marie of the Incarnation boundary who live west of Professor Day Drive, north of Blue Dasher Boulevard, south of Line 8 and east of the green space will be included in the new boundary for St. Teresa of Calcutta 

 St. Angela Merici

  • Students who are currently in the bus zone, i.e., not in the walk zone for St. Angela Merici will now be included in the new boundary for St. Charles