Bradford Boundary Review

bradford boundary review

At the Special Board Meeting on February 28th, recommendations were approved by the Board of Trustees for the Bradford West Gwillimbury Boundary Review. Please see the approved decision page for more information.


In July 2016, the Board received funding approval to construct a replacement 470 pupil place elementary school, including a three-room child care centre, for St. Charles Catholic School. Construction of the new facility commenced on May 10, 2021 and is anticipated to be complete this fall for an opening in September 2022. During this time the Bradford West Gwillimbury area has continued to grow in enrolment.

A boundary review is necessary to provide a balanced enrolment and capacity for Catholic elementary schools in Bradford West Gwillimbury.

Affected Schools:

  • St. Angela Merici Catholic School
  • St. Charles Catholic School
  • St. Jean de Brebeuf Catholic School
  • St. Marie of the Incarnation Catholic School
  • St. Teresa of Calcutta Catholic School


  • Establish new boundaries as a result of a new school or capacity concerns in existing area.
  • Balance school enrolment and capacity.
  • Minimize busing and maximize walk zones.
  • Consideration of site restrictions.
  • Consideration of projected development and enrolment.


  • Establish a boundary for the replacement St. Charles Catholic Elementary School

  • Review the boundaries of other existing schools in the area to ensure enrolment relief, where feasible.

  • Determine attendance boundaries that best meet boundary review objectives.