Peace is a Song We Share

Peace is a Song We Share
Posted on 05/23/2024
ChoirOn Thursday, May 16, our esteemed school board colleague, Dr. Murray Watson, launched his new book at an event organized by the Christian-Jewish Dialogue of Toronto, a group close to Murray's heart. Murray, who serves as our Adult Faith Formation Animator, is a distinguished Catholic biblical scholar and interreligious advocate but also a dear friend to many within our school board. The event was a remarkable testament to his dedication and passion for interfaith dialogue, drawing a diverse audience of friends, family, colleagues, and scholars.

Murray's book introduces the work and legacy of interfaith pioneer André Chouraqui, a figure renowned in Israel and the francophone world, to English-speaking audiences. As a bilingual translator and biblical scholar, Murray has made Chouraqui's contributions accessible to those previously unfamiliar with him, enriching Jewish-Christian dialogue. His presentation at the event was captivating, as he shared insights into his journey of creating the book and the importance of Chouraqui's work.

The evening was also a beautiful musical celebration, featuring hymns sung by the choirs of Temple Har Zion and the Thornhill Christian churches. The heartfelt collaboration between the choirs underscored the themes of harmony and mutual respect that Murray champions everyday in his work at our school board. It was an event that highlighted the true spirit of unity and shared faith.

We are incredibly proud of Murray and his accomplishments. Reflecting on the event, Murray shared his gratitude on social media, saying, "I am bursting with gratitude after last night’s book launch. It was an amazing, joyful, life-giving evening, and I am so thankful to all involved—to my colleagues on the Christian-Jewish Dialogue of Toronto, to Rabbi Cory Weiss and everyone at Temple Har Zion, to the two choirs who led us so beautifully in song, to my family, friends, and colleagues who joined us … it was such a special and memorable evening.”

We echo Murray's sentiments and look forward to seeing the impact of his work on our community and beyond. Our school board is so fortunate to benefit from Murray’s kindness and wisdom.

Murray’s book is available on Amazon -