Celebrating St. Teresa of Calcutta

Celebrating St. Teresa of Calcutta
Posted on 09/14/2022
Special guests at MTB

On September 14th, students and parents of St. Teresa of Calcutta Catholic School in Bradford gathered to celebrate the first liturgy of the school year in honour of their namesake: St.Teresa of Calcutta.  This liturgy not only marks the first in-person assembly at the school in a very long time, but also commemorates the 25th anniversary of the beloved Saint’s death.

MTB Group Photo

Joining the school community was Superintendent of Student Achievement, Mirella Rossi, the Executive Assistant to the Director of Education Diana Gabriele and Director of Education Frances Bagley, “It’s so great to be together and see all these smiling faces in person,” Mrs. Bagley commented.

Ms. Dias’  Grade 5 and Ms. Franceschinis’ Grade 8 classes did a wonderful job organizing the readings, prayers of the faithful and the songs shared throughout the celebration. Salt and Light Catholic Media was also in attendance, and producer and host Deacon Pedro Guevero-Mann chatted with students after the celebration.

We pray that St. Teresa’s spirit of kindness and empathy continues to shine brightly at this school on this jubilee anniversary of her death and that with God’s grace all staff, students and families continue to be stronger, better, together!