A Little Off the Top for Terry Fox

A Little Off the Top for Terry Fox
Posted on 09/29/2022

Every September, staff and students across the country lace up their running shoes and take to the pavement to raise money for the Terry Fox Foundation.

This year, Denis Nugent, Vice Principal at Our Lady of the Bay Catholic High School (OLB)  in Collingwood, raised the stakes by letting down his hair! He challenged his school to raise as much money as they could, and in return he would cut off his “man-bun”.

On September 23, after raising over $4500 for cancer research, the OLB student body gathered in the gymnasium to watch Mr. Nugent make good on his promise. 

Congratulations to the Our Lady of the Bay community for such a successful fundraiser - and a big thank you to Mr. Nugent for being such a great sport!