Morgan Benoit and Shelley Guimond

Morgan Benoit and Shelley Guimond
Posted on 05/26/2023
Celebrating Staff LogoEvery week we celebrate SMCDSB staff members who have been recognized by a parent, student or colleague.

This week we are celebrating Morgan Benoit, a teacher Morgan Benoit at St. John Vianney Catholic School. Morgan was nominated by two parents, who said:

“I can’t say enough good things about Ms. Benoit and how she is running the classroom and tending to my son's needs. We have had struggles getting him to school in past years. This year has been a night and day difference and we couldn’t be more thankful for Ms. Benoit. Our son actually wants to go to school because he is in her class… She is more than wonderful. She is so supportive and always keeps the parents involved in their children’s education. She will definitely be remembered as "that one teacher you always remember". I still remember the teacher who made a positive impact in my elementary school days and I know Ms. Benoit will be that, not only for our son, but for many students.”

“Ms. Benoit is kind, compassionate and caring. She is excellent at communicating with parents and works hard to help her students.”

Shelley GuimondThis week we are also celebrating Shelley Guimond, a Speech Language Assistant at Academic Services. Shelley was nominated by a colleague, who said:

“Amazing, refreshing, exhilarating are only a few of the words that describe our friendly Shelley Guimond, Speech and Language Assistant. We, meaning E.A.’s and her students cannot wait until she arrives every Wednesday. Her fun way of educating through games, makes every child feel like a winner. As an E.A. I appreciate the opportunity to learn her new enjoyable methods of teaching. Her smile and positive way are extremely inviting. We are very lucky to have Shelley as part of our team, sharing all her knowledge with us. She is a truly special extension of our family, who we enjoy every week. Thank you so much! We will miss you when you go but know you are needed in other schools.”

We would like to thank Morgan and Shelley for their commitment to Catholic education at our board.