Diverse Voices Unite 2023

Diverse Voices Unite
Posted on 03/02/2023

It was a day of inspiration and celebration at St. Peter’s Catholic High School as Black History Month drew to a close.

Students were treated to informative presentations, as well as music and dance performances to celebrate the beauty of diverse voices uniting.

Students clapped along with traditional African drums. They were inspired by Shak Edwards, founder of Shak’s World in Barrie, and participated in song and dance led by Errol Lee, motivational speaker and singer/songwriter.

Other special guests included:

Janie Cooper-Wilson - Ontario Historical Society
Quammie Williams - Director of Culture, City of Barrie
Ginelle Williams - Artistic and Business Professional
Alex Nuttall - Mayor of Barrie
Sergio Morales - City Council
Maria Hardie - Board Chair
Mirella Rossie - Superintendant
Sandrine Uwimana - Equity Manager

The theme of this year’s Diverse Voices Unite  was Unity and Kindness.  This was the 15th annual Black History Month celebration organized by teacher, Manon Heran. The event was live streamed and will be available for viewing on March 1, 2023 at 6pm on rogerstv.com. The presentation can also be viewed on YouTube.

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