That’s A Lot of Popsicles

That’s A Lot of Popsicles
Posted on 06/15/2023
When the Monsignor Clair Catholic school community learned that one of its young students required a service dog, they immediately thought of ways they could help support the family. The cost of purchasing and training a service dog is costly and the family was hoping to raised $12,000 to help offset the costs.

MCL Check presentationThe cheque was presented to the family at a special assembly Wednesday, June 14th. The entire school community gathered in the gymnasium to present the cheque, along with representatives from the Barrie Kennel Club and Rotary Club, who also donated funds.

Over the course of a month, the school decided to sell popsicles as a fundraising initiative. No one could have imagined just how many they would sell. By the time the fundraiser was over, this small school community was able to raise an incredible $1,500.