Monsignor Clair Cup 2022

Monsignor Clair Cup 2022
Posted on 12/05/2022

Heading into the second week of Advent, Christmas spirit isn’t the only excitement stirring at three Barrie high schools!

On Wednesday, December 7, 2022, Sadlon Arena in Barrie will once again host the Monsignor Clair Cup (MCC).  This 23 year-long tradition sees the three Catholic high schools in Barrie: St. Peter’s, St. Joseph’s and St. Joan of Arc face-off, not only at center ice, but in the stands through choreographed dances, and other fun activities throughout the day. 

The contagious enthusiasm of the day, from a St. Peter's Panthers' perspective, is captured in this video produced by secondary school teacher, Melissa Oliver and the Communications Technology class at St. Peter’s. Watch and just try not to catch the MCC spirit!