Putting their French skills to the test

Putting their French skills to the test
Posted on 04/26/2023

It's exam time for Grade 12 French students at the Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board (SMCDSB). For the first time in our board, students will demonstrate their French language skills by taking the Diplôme d'études en langue française (DELF).

Successful candidates will earn a globally recognized DELF certificate. While the exam isn't mandatory, many French students are eager to take it. They are inspired by the personal challenge it presents and the career options it unlocks.

Chantal Ross, French as a Second Language (FSL) Consultant, said, "Students are nervous but excited about this incredible opportunity. Mastery of an additional language is an asset, but a DELF diploma offers endless advantages."

SMCDSB is committed to providing the best learning opportunities for our students. We congratulate the French students taking the exams and wish them the best of luck!