8th Annual Vimy Ridge Day Ceremony at CFB Borden

8th Annual Vimy Ridge Day Ceremony at CFB Borden
On Wednesday, April 5, SMCDSB Chair Maria Hardie, Vice Chair Janice Hutchison and Trustee Susan van Amelsvoort had the honour of attending the eighth annual Vimy Ridge Day Ceremony and Breakfast at CFB Borden.

This year a special tribute was paid to the 106th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge and the 30,000 soldiers who trained in Borden for the Canadian Expeditionary Force.

There was a short ceremony of remembrance, after which guests were invited to walk through a section of the restored trenches. These trenches were used to train soldiers prior to being deployed to the Battle of Vimy ridge.

This was followed by breakfast at the Officers Mess and Major-General M.H.L., Lise Bourgon, CMM, MSC, CD gave a keynote address.

Many guests were there for this ceremony including M.P’s. M.P.P’s, Mayors, members of Municipal Councils, Community partners and Military Officers and personnel.

Vimy Ridge Day is observed on April 9 in Canada to honour and commemorate the Battle of Vimy Ridge, which took place during the First World War at Vimy Ridge, France, in 1917.

A special thank you to Chair Hardie, Vice Chair Hutchison and Trustee van Amelsvoort for representing SMCDSB at this ceremony.