Could you do the 'no-American food diet'?

Could you do the 'no-American food diet'?
Posted on 09/25/2018
We are all familiar with the Keto, Atkins, Beach Body and Weight Watchers diets. But have you ever heard of the “no-American food diet”? Kevin McCracken of Barrie did just that - he cut out all food from the United States and abroad and consumed only Ontario grown fruits, vegetables and meat.

The teacher from St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School in Barrie also got his family onboard. They spent the summer scoping out local farmers markets and grocery stores to snag the best things that Ontario grows. Strawberries, cucumbers, corn and maple syrup were all on the menu, as well as fresh fish, moose and deer, caught by Kevin himself.

Kevin explained that although there is a general speculation that local food is more expensive, it’s definitely worth it. “Even where it is slightly more expensive because the food is so fresh, it lasts longer. I definitely saved money over the summer because I threw very little food away. There was very little waste,” he said.

Kevin’s summer challenge caught the eye of CBC News earlier this month who featured his story online. Check out Kevin’s interview and story by CBC to learn more about his local eating lifestyle and tips for how you can do the same.

Photo courtesy of CBC News.