Written by Ashley Fortin, Student Journalist
Remembrance Day comes and goes each year sometimes with minimal fanfare depending on where you are. It is important to always remember those who fought in WWI and WWII and those who gallantly gave their lives for our country, especially on Remembrance Day. On November 9th, 2018, students at St. Dominic Catholic Secondary School in Bracebridge held their annual Remembrance Day assembly to remember not only those who have served but those who were affected by war.
Walking into the annual Remembrance Day assembly, students were grateful to have an opportunity to reflect. Most students had pinned poppies over their hearts and walked into the darkened cafeteria silently to hear what the violinist was playing. At the beginning of the ceremony, the sound of bagpipes filled the room with a cadet playing them and the rest of the cadets marched behind with their rifles.
The ceremony began with a presentation from Ms. Mahon’s Grade 9 English class. They described the origin of the poppy, the history of the world wars and then read the poems “In Flanders Fields”, written by John McRae as well as “We Shall Keep the Faith", written by Moina Michael. The lessons taught in this ceremony were not just limited to history. What stuck with the students was the message of having a grateful heart and passing on remembrance to the next generation.
Many students remembered family members and other soldiers by wearing poppies. Student Seth J., an army cadet, described the importance of Remembrance Day and ceremonies at our schools, “It gets youth to look into the past and see what happened, as history tends to repeat itself. We do not want another world war, so we need to learn from our past. It is also important to remember those who have fallen and take a moment out of our day to remember how fortunate we are.”
The tireless and courageous sacrifice and work of generations past has ensured the freedom and peace we enjoy in Canada. On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, let us always remember and be grateful. This is your reminder to remember.
"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. / At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them."